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15500 Eagle River Loop Road

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Composting & Composting Services

Municipal Composting


Municiple composting program - seasonal Step 1: Store your accepted food scraps indoors (we recommend using a 5-gallon bucket). In 2019 no yard trimmings (grass, leaves, small branches) will be accepted.

You may store food scraps in any compostable bag that meets ASTM D6400 standards​. These include:

BioBag "Certified Compostable"
EcoSafe "6400 Line"
Glad "Compostable Kitchen"
Natur-Tec "Natur-Bag Compostable"​
Step 2: Drop-off up to two 5-gallon buckets at a time of ​your food scraps at either the Anch​orage Regional Landfill (15500 Eagle River Loop Road) or the Central Transfer Station (54th and Juneau). Open Monday - Saturday 8am to 5pm​.

Step 3: Take compost from the Anchorage Regional Landfill or the Cent​ral Transfer Station - an equal amount to the amount of food scraps you dropped off.

NOTE: Compost deliveries end Sept. 30. Food scrap drop-off will remain OPEN through Dec. 30.

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