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15500 Eagle River Loop Road

Telephone number:

Composting & Composting Services

Municipal Composting


Municiple composting program - seasonal Step 1: Store your accepted food scraps indoors (we recommend using a 5-gallon bucket). In 2019 no yard trimmings (grass, leaves, small branches) will be accepted.

You may store food scraps in any compostable bag that meets ASTM D6400 standards​. These include:

BioBag "Certified Compostable"
EcoSafe "6400 Line"
Glad "Compostable Kitchen"
Natur-Tec "Natur-Bag Compostable"​
Step 2: Drop-off up to two 5-gallon buckets at a time of ​your food scraps at either the Anch​orage Regional Landfill (15500 Eagle River Loop Road) or the Central Transfer Station (54th and Juneau). Open Monday - Saturday 8am to 5pm​.

Step 3: Take compost from the Anchorage Regional Landfill or the Cent​ral Transfer Station - an equal amount to the amount of food scraps you dropped off.

NOTE: Compost deliveries end Sept. 30. Food scrap drop-off will remain OPEN through Dec. 30.


Nevada 501c3 nonprofit

PO Box 20152

Sun Valley, NV 89433-0152


Gogreenlocally org. is a Nevada 501c3 nonprofit formed by a few green community members

who wanted to do something to help the environment and communities across the US to share action to

champion sustainability and care for our

people and planet.

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