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GOFM's Young Gardeners Program

Check out this video from Galveston’s Own Farmer’s Market YouTube Channel.

Galveston's Own Farmers Market (GOFM) is proud to offer the Young Gardeners Program. We aim to bring the benefits of growing food, eating healthy, being outdoors, and working collectively to local children, one school at a time. GOFM’s Young Gardeners Program (YGP) integrates high-production gardens & STEAM curriculum at Galveston ISD schools as part of the TOR and Texas ACE after-school programs. YGP has received several USDA-National Resource Conservation Service grants since 2018. In this video, we see our Morgan Elementary YGP garden and the students from the school year 2020-21. The Morgan Elementary YGP garden operates in partnership with GISD and Texas ACE. YGP's mission: is to cultivate a community of healthy and happy young people by encouraging them to put their hands in the dirt, eat well, and learn the transformative power of growing their own food. * To learn more or become a volunteer with YGP, sign up for a brief chat with our Volunteer Coordinator here:

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