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Reno Food Systems & Park Farm
Reno Food Systems is a nonprofit that is working to create a vibrant, resilient and justice food system in our community. They urge you to check out the Park Farm stand at the Betsy Caughlin Donnelly Park Farm every Sunday, 3:00 to 7:00 PM.
They welcome you to check out their seasonal veggies, herbs and pollinator plants for sale. And while you're there, you can explore the fields and food forest, meet their Goats Oliver in June, and enjoy spending time on a farm that aims to help end food insecurity in our community.
Their mission is to be farmers, mentors and advocates, stewarding lands and sharing food and resources for the well-being of the Earth community and future generations.
They invite you to become a volunteer, attend a workshop, or get involved in other ways. They also appreciate donations to help them build a more resilient food system.
Some of the many things that Reno Food Systems does for the community as well as the Park Farm includes the fruit and Spice nursery. the mobile farmers market. The BEE Friendly campaign to help our bees, the Reno Garlic Festival. gardening and cooking courses, helping to urge people to voice their support for our local food systems by voicing our opinions to our Senators and Congresspeople about our latest Farm Bill, and supporting other local food system initiatives in the area.
Thanks for checking out Reno Food Systems!