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Eco-Action Spotlight
Raleigh & Durham Area
Video Map Project

🦋 Land Restoration, Clean-ups, Nature Preserves

🌼 Ecological Design, Landscaping & Nurseries 

🗑️ Zero Waste and Bulk Refill Resources

🛠️ Maker, Repair, and Co-Working Spaces

🔎 Environmental or Green Certifying 


🦋🥾Before and After Eco-Restoration

Eco-Action Category Legend:

​​♻️ Recycling, Upcycling, Composting, & Reuse  

🍎 Food Rescue, Community Kitchen, No Waste Cafes

🤝 Cooperatives, Time-exchanges, Thing Libraries

🥕 Sustainable Farms and Gardens

👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Sustainability or Environmental Social Groups

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Get involved

Local community members and GoGreenLocally nonprofit volunteers are creating these tours & map of resources for community-sharing, sustainability, and eco-action initiatives/volunteering in the area.   If you are interested in helping out this project please contact us at

Would you like to get involved with adding more to the Eco-Action Spotlight Video Map Project?​​

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Locals Share Green Action  


Nevada 501c3 nonprofit

Sun Valey, 89433-20152


Gogreenlocally org. is a Nevada 501c3 nonprofit formed by a few green community members

who wanted to do something to help the environment and communities across the US to share action to

champion sustainability and care for our

people and planet.

*** Disclaimer ***

Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Copyright 2020-2023 gogreenlocally org.


Nevada 501c3 nonprofit

PO Box 20152

Sun Valley, NV 89433-0152


Gogreenlocally org. is a Nevada 501c3 nonprofit formed by a few green community members

who wanted to do something to help the environment and communities across the US to share action to

champion sustainability and care for our

people and planet.

*** Disclaimer ***

Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Copyright 2020-2025 gogreenlocally org.

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