Local Green Businesses - A Community Resource
Local Green Business Directory - Certified & Noncertified Listings:
Many businesses in cities across the US are working to supply products and services that are more sustainable and healthier for their community and planet. These businesses might be using materials that are more renewable, less toxic, and in their production are supporting communities with fair wages and working conditions. Some of these services can also help us reduce our waste streams and create more circular economies. Businesses in the directories may not be green certified but are supporting greener lifestyle choices and have reported to the public that they are taking measures to be more sustainable and eco-friendly.
These business directory listings are to help people find local more sustainable and eco-friendly businesses, those that may or may not be green certificated. We recognize that unless a business or farm has been certified it is difficult to know if a business is taking authentic sustainable action on a consistent and ongoing basis. We encourage businesses to take the time to become green certified whenever possible. We recognize that the green certification process can cost time and money and is not always attainable for small businesses. We think that more free services should be available in all states to help businesses to have the resources and knowledge to achieve certification. We support all businesses that are making the effort to work towards sustainability honor those that have become certified with a visible badge and note of the organization they are certified through and a link so that people can look them up and learn more about the rigors of the certification process that they have to achieve.
There are certification organizations that have free programs in specific states that can help business owners save money on energy bills and offset some of the costs of operating more energy efficiently.
If you have a green business, then please add it to your local hub business directory. If your company is certified then please use our contact page to send us the link to the certification organization directory where we can verify it. Then we will add the certification badge and link to your listing. The list below includes examples of types of businesses that are encouraged to add their listings:
small, local farmers, and ranchers selling locally raised produce, meat, and eggs without pesticides, and herbicides as much as possible
artisans making items by hand with natural materials or organic ingredients
composting services and products to reduce polluting methane gases from food waste in local landfills
upcycling artists and crafters making useful and decorative items
alternative energy providers that reduce the need for more fossil-fuel-based energy plants
holistic health products or services to reduce pollution in local streams and water sources
pet stores that offer organic or locally sourced animal feed and products
sustainable gardening and farming learning centers
sustainable travel, lodging, and tour opportunities
cleaning services using non-toxic cleaners to protect our indoor air quality and the health of our families
non-toxic landscaping and pest control services
dry-cleaners using alternatives to perchloroethylene
personal care products and services that may be produced locally, recycle waste and use less toxic or non-toxic ingredients
florists producing less plastic waste and using organically grown or locally grown flowers
refill businesses and services that avoid unnecessary plastic packing
local restaurants that are sourcing the majority of their foods from local producers, organic foods, or are supplying a large number of plant-based meal options
event items and services - such as reusable item rentals and more sustainable venue location options and services
spiritual organizations that are also actively encouraging and participating in care for the environment
more sustainable transportation options, such as ridesharing groups, bike repair services, rentals, etc.
Free Websites for Small Farms & Green Businesses
Many small businesses don't have the budget for websites when they are growing their businesses or just working to survive tough times. Posted below are some free website templates that can be customized for any small business and remain free sites as long as you are not concerned with SEO or personalized domain names. We are happy to sign one over to you. This is an easy way for the community to learn more about your small eco-friendly business without the commitment of a pricey website. You can always turn this site into a paid site with the purchase of your own domain in the future as the need arises.
If you don't find the right fit for your business with these templates, then go directly to WIX.com and create an account and look through their templates. You are welcome to use our contact page if you have any questions that we can help with.
Green Certified Businesses Green Badge of Honor:
We are so proud of the many small businesses that are taking the time to get certified. We have included a number of certifying agencies below that can help businesses go through these processes. It is often expensive for smaller businesses to do this. However, there are organizations that are offering free services that have processes that can be done almost entirely online. In addition, sometimes certifying organizations can suggest government-sponsored programs that might offer savings.
Businesses in our directories that do not have a badge may still be certified, as we have not contacted all of the businesses in the directory. Please check out a business website to learn more. If you come across one that should be eligible for a badge, then please send of the the link to their certification organization and after verification we will add the badge. Or you can send us a message from the "contact page" and we will look into the business.
Certification Organizations & Government Programs:
(there may be others certification agencies, so please do your own research as well)
For Companies Located Anywhere in the US: (see below for state-specific programs)
EPA WasteWise Free Business Certification Program
Food Recovery Challenge (FRC) Free Program
Natural-Organic Gardening and Landscaping Course Online Courses and Certification
$195 for the Course and Certification
$295 for the Course and Certification plus Email and Phone Support*
LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a certification meant specifically for buildings. If your business location has a sustainable design or other features, you can earn points to achieve different levels of certification, including Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
USDA Organic
For businesses that raise or processes food products, you can apply to a USDA-accredited certifying agent to get your products certified organic. You’ll need to provide information about your growing or production process.
Real Organic Project:
Our mission is to grow people’s understanding of foundational organic values and practices; crops grown in soil and livestock raised on pasture are fundamental to organic farming.
Our first goal is to create an add-on label to USDA certified organic to provide more transparency on organic farming practices.
Green Business Bureau
GBB is an online green business certification program. To enroll, you need to complete an initial assessment, make a corporate sustainability vision statement, display an Environmental Compliance Poster, organize an office Green Team and conduct a kick-off meeting to review the GBB Assessment results and recommendations.
Green America Business Network
Costs start at $130 (as of May, 2020)
Green Seal Certification
Certification of cleaning services
Restaurants & Food Services
GBCI - Green Business Certification Inc.
More than 300 full time GBCI technical experts and consultants specialize in architecture, engineering and building management.
Made Safe Certification
We make it easy for companies to work with us. If you’re interested in utilizing our Ingredient Database and certifying your products, please contact us.
State Specific Green Certification Programs:
California State Organic Program
Nevada, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Washington Green Business Certifications
Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC)
City of Portland, OR Green Business Certification
City of Los Angeles, CA Green Business Certification