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Tours, Recreation, Lodging .jpg

400 Duncan Ave.
San Juan Bautista, CA 95045

Telephone number:


Farm, Farm Stand, CSA

Pinnacle Organics

San Juan Bautista

From website: Phil Foster farms almost 300 acres of C.C.O.F. and I.F.O.A.M. certified organic vegetables, melons and fruit on two ranches near San Juan Bautista and Hollister, California. On our 50 acres in San Juan Bautista, we grow cool season crops such as lettuce and cabbage, and on our 200 acres near Hollister, we grow hot season crops such as sweet corn, bell peppers, garlic and onions.


Nevada 501c3 nonprofit

PO Box 20152

Sun Valley, NV 89433-0152


Gogreenlocally org. is a Nevada 501c3 nonprofit formed by a few green community members

who wanted to do something to help the environment and communities across the US to share action to

champion sustainability and care for our

people and planet.

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