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Valley Wood Water-Wise Garden
Since 2016 the goal at Valley Wood Park Waterwise Garden has been to create a demonstration garden to show visitors alternatives to water-hungry lawns. The garden was designed and installed by Tom Stille, co-owner and landscape architect, contractor, and horticulturist at River School Farm. He hopes to inspire and educate our community about trees, shrubs, and flowers that can be grown in the high desert environment of northern Nevada using 50% less water than lawns. As the region is experiencing less rainfall and higher temperatures, the park team shows examples of how sustainable gardening creates beautiful urban landscapes with the plants and trees planted here. There is also posted information along the walking paths that tells you about some techniques. One method they employ is called a ‘Pollinator Pathway’. It is to provide a continuous source of food and water for pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and moths with plants for every season.
As a part of the Truckee Meadows Park Foundation, Valley Wood Water-Wise Park is maintained through volunteer support in its community. The foundation is always ready to accept any assistance from those passionate about learning more about their backyard and its history. The link below will take you to the best place to learn about Reno’s growing park foundation.
Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation (tmparksfoundation.org)